I am Garrett Whitlock, and this is my personal blog! Inside you will find the story of me, the coming out story of a young queer person. It is an ongoing story of relearning who I am and relearning what it means to accept myself as the person I was created to be. I wish I could write a happy story, one littered with smiles and acceptance, but that isn’t my reality. I am writing this with the thought of queer existence in mind. An existence where suicide is the leading cause of death. An existence that removes us from mainstream society. An existence marred with the words fag, queer, homo, pussy, and pansy. An existence that is seen as small, weak, and fragile. I am writing this knowing that my queer existence has created strength for myself. These slurs are badges of honor. My existence is power. My queerness has made me unbreakable. I am writing this for myself. Because for too long have I had to internalize my struggle. For too long have I had to deal with this alone. For too long I have had to be everything and everyone I needed in my own life. This is the story of Garrett, or better known, the story of Gary.
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